March 29, 2022

What makes Camber different?

"Every great company starts as an insurgent – at war against their industry, on behalf of underserved customers"*



The Canadian wealth management industry is broken. Customers pay too much and receive too little. We created Camber to bring necessary change to the industry.

What’s wrong with the industry?

  • Conflicted interest & sales culture - The industry is based on selling financial products and generating commissions. “Financial advisors” are wonderful salespeople who often lack even a basic understanding of investing, tax, and personal finance.
  • Lack of optimization – Getting the most out of your money starts with getting your financial house in order and defining your objectives, not selecting investment products.
  • Bad investments - Most investment strategies have no evidence behind them. They are based on short-term trends, predictions of the future, and a good story – none of which lead to strong investment performance.
  • Old technology – Modern advice requires modern software. Excel sheets and complex PDF reports don’t cut it.

How are we different?

  • Independence - We are unconstrained, unbiased, and unbound to conflicting incentives. We are free to choose the best investment providers and are only compensated by our posted fee.
  • Financial planning - Our Camber Dashboards focus on simplifying and organizing your financial life, allowing you to define your objectives and make meaningful improvements that compound.
  • Investment philosophy - It is evidence-based, systematic, low-cost, and globally diversified. (Learn more here.)
  • Technology - We partner with Canada’s leading financial advice software to ensure accurate and holistic answers to your money-related questions.    

Our services come with a dedicated team whose goal is to build lifelong relationships.  

Get started by building your Financial Plan today, or booking an introductory call with our team.

* James Allen, The Founder's Mentality